Relax and Unwind on Gili Trawangan
Relax and unwind on Gili Trawangan in the sanctuary of your villa with all your needs taken of. Have a relaxing massage in the gazebo, chill out in the pool, sun-bathe on the terrace or just kick back in the sitting room. We have a vast film and library for the whole family, satellite television and Wi-Fi internet access. The Gili Villas provide the perfect setting to relax and unwind on Gili Trawangan.
Order in...
Order food from one of the many restaurants and have it delivered to your doorstep, laziness is your right while you're on holiday, and if they don't deliver then one of the reception staff will be more than happy to go and pick up it up for you.
... Or go out
Make a short trip to the beach or venture further afield to find your own private beach to sun bathe. Chat over a coffee or wander to one of the many beachside restaurants nearby where a cocktail or two can be savoured whilst the sun is setting. We highly recommend a fantastic little Beach Club away from the busier public beaches on the east side of the island where you can relax any time of day.